Holiday dialysis patients´ experiences

Many of our patients like to go on holiday as often as they can. What do they think about Holiday Dialysis the Diaverum way? Read here an assortment of statements that have been sent to us:

  • The Clinic is right at the door of the hotel. I normally take a taxi for my sessions and it takes 3-4 minutes to get there. Once there was a national strike and no taxis were to be found, so I actually chose to walk back to the hotel after the dialysis, that’s how close it is. I do not experience any language barrier. The doctors and Paulina [the Holiday Dialysis coordinator in Malaga] all speak English. Everybody is very nice, friendly and helpful. I am really in favour of Spain, not least since there are one or two doctors present at all times. I would like to give thanks for all the help I received while on dialysis.
    Patient who visited our clinic in Torremolinos / Spain in 2011